College Prep, Done Flexibly

Palo Alto Prep offers all of the A-G approved core classes that students need for eligibility to apply to 4 year-schools after graduation including: 

  • History/Social Science
    • World History
    • US History
    • Government
    • Economics
    • African American History
  • English
    • English 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
    • Black Voices
    • Writer’s Voice
  • Mathematics
    • Algebra 1
    • Geometry
    • Algebra 2/Trig
    • Pre-Calculus
    • Calculus
    • Statistics
    • Abstract Algebra
    • Programming
  • Science
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Physics
    • Environmental Science
  • Secondary Language
    • American Sign Language 1 and 2
  • Arts
    • Visual Arts
    • Digital Photography
  • PE
    • SCUBA, Golf, Hiking, Physical Fitness, Field Sports, Horseback Riding, Rock Climbing, Medieval Sword Fighting, Boxing, Fencing, Dance, Yoga, Archery, Gymnastics, Swimming, Bowling
  • Electives
    • Psychology, Study Skills, Living Skills & Health, Executive Functioning, Band, Painting, Arts and Crafts, Photography, Maker Space, Wood Shop, Cooking, Ceramics, Fishing, Robotics, Aviation

The PAP difference is that we make all of our college prep classes accessible for students who learn differently. We do this by keeping our classes small, so that instructors have the time to get to know all of their students, including how they learn best. Our staff are experienced working with neurodivergent thinkers and in tricking resistant learners into actually enjoying school. We have supported many students with ADHD, ASD, specific learning exceptionalities, school anxiety, and even school avoidance to find success in their academics. Our Special Education team works closely with your student to support them in completing and turning in assignments and in managing anxieties related to grades. 

Every PAP student benefits from our study skills program, where students practice executive functioning skills including planning/goal setting, organization, progress check-ins, self-advocacy, and self-reflection. Our College Advising program provides 1:1 meetings with all 11th and 12th grade students, reminders on deadlines, and support completing college applications senior year. Parents can also reach out and schedule a meeting with our college advisor at any time.

We also offer regular college campus tours, including to career programs at local community colleges, to get students thinking about what they want out of their education post-high school. 

This is college prep, done flexibly. 

“As a recent graduate, I recommend Palo Alto Prep for students who want to enjoy their high school years while gearing up for college.

Palo Alto Prep provided me with individual attention, opportunities and help that I would not have received at another public or private school. The classes are similar to small tutoring groups which helped me to excel in previously weak areas. Faculty members offered assistance before, during and after school. They helped me with everything from choosing the colleges to which I applied to selecting from among those that offered me admission.

Because of Palo Alto Prep, I am starting my second year of college at U.C. Berkeley. Palo Alto Prep left me with fond memories and an outstanding education.”


Courtney Dickson

Palo Alto Prep Graduate